hikerpat: 001 entrance to the trail
hikerpat: 003 male Goldfinch
hikerpat: 004 male Goldfinch
hikerpat: 005 Fragrant Water Lily, Nymphaea odorata
hikerpat: 008 touch of fall in Poison Ivy
hikerpat: 009 Biennial Gaura, G. biennis
hikerpat: 010 Lily pads lifting in the breeze
hikerpat: 011 deteriorating plant life
hikerpat: 013 Tall Ironweed, Vernonia gigantea
hikerpat: 014 Wool Grass, Scirpus cyperinus
hikerpat: 015 spirits rising from the swamp
hikerpat: 016 spider web & Cattail
hikerpat: 018 Gulf Fritillary on Tall Ironweed
hikerpat: 019 Gulf Fritillary on Tall Ironweed
hikerpat: 020 Gulf Fritillary on Tall Ironweed
hikerpat: 021 Field Thistle, Cirsium discolor
hikerpat: 022 alternate leaves, what am I
hikerpat: 023 Field Thistle
hikerpat: 024 Field Thistle just opening
hikerpat: 025 Field Thistle done for the year
hikerpat: 026 I'd better not hold still too long
hikerpat: 027 Black Swallowtail on Field Thistle
hikerpat: 028 Black Swallowtail on Field Thistle
hikerpat: 029 female Gulf Fritillary
hikerpat: 030 Lotus pod surrounded by Wool Grass