hikerpat: 001 Small White Morning Glory, Ipomoea lacunosa
hikerpat: 002 Red-Spotted Purple above view, Limenitis arthemis
hikerpat: 003 Red-Spotted Purple, below view
hikerpat: 004 Wheeeee, Common Ragweed pollen, Ambrosia artemisiifolia
hikerpat: 005 Rosinweed
hikerpat: 007 Big Bluestem aka Turkeyfoot, Andropogon gerardii
hikerpat: 008 Tall Ironweed, Vernonia gigantea
hikerpat: 009 Biennial Gaura, G. biennis
hikerpat: 010 Broadleaf Prairie Dock, Silphium terebinthinaceum, grows to 10'
hikerpat: 011 Broadleaf Prairie Dock
hikerpat: 012 Broadleaf Prairie Dock
hikerpat: 013 White Vervain, Verbena urticifolia
hikerpat: 014 fallen leaf
hikerpat: 015 Dense Blazing Star, Liatris spicata
hikerpat: 016 3 generations of girls
hikerpat: 017 Broadleaf Prairie Dock
hikerpat: 018 Tall Ironweed
hikerpat: 019 Wild Potato Vine w-Sweat Bee, Ipomoea pandurata
hikerpat: 020 late-blooming Pale Purple Coneflower, Echinacea pallida
hikerpat: 021 Hairy Skullcap fruits, Scutellaria elliptica
hikerpat: 022 TVA Wetlands
hikerpat: 024 huge head of Hollow Joe-PyeWeed, Eupatorium fistulosum
hikerpat: 025 Swamp Milkweed w-Eastern Carpenter Bee
hikerpat: 028 find the tiny worm
hikerpat: 029 Leafy Elephant's Foot
hikerpat: 030 Broadleaf Prairie Dock