hikerpat: 001 Turkey Creek overlook
hikerpat: 002 view from Hooper Bald parking lot
hikerpat: 003 Tassel Rue, Trautvetteria caroliensis
hikerpat: 004 King Devil, Hieracium caespitosum
hikerpat: 005 Tassel Rue
hikerpat: 006 Smooth or Common Hedge Nettle, Stachys tenuifolia
hikerpat: 007 Prester-John, Arisaema quinatum
hikerpat: 008 Smooth Carrion Flower, Smilax herbacea
hikerpat: 009 Smooth Carrion Flower, Smilax herbacea
hikerpat: 012 Flame Azalea w-gall, Rhododendron calendulaceum
hikerpat: 015 Summer Azure, Celastrina neglecta
hikerpat: 016 these flew out of the air in this position
hikerpat: 019 Tassel Rue
hikerpat: 023 looking down the rabbit hole
hikerpat: 024 Buttercups and grasses
hikerpat: 027 Silk Grass