hikerpat: 001 Rattlesnake Fern w-sori
hikerpat: 002 Rattlesnake Fern sori
hikerpat: 003 Glade Sandwort w-pollinator
hikerpat: 004 Glade Sandwort, Arenaria patula
hikerpat: 005 view across the gorge
hikerpat: 006 Clear Creek
hikerpat: 007 Lilly Bridge waaaay down there
hikerpat: 008 berry-bearing plant
hikerpat: 010 Glade Sandwort
hikerpat: 011 Clear Creek
hikerpat: 015 Ladies Slipper leaves
hikerpat: 016 the only one
hikerpat: 021 Leafy Elephant's Foot seed head, Elephantopus carolinianus
hikerpat: 022 Leafy Elephant's Foot leaves
hikerpat: 023 pretty leaf
hikerpat: 024 Common Cinquefoil, Potentilla simplex
hikerpat: 025 Southern or Small's Ragwort, Senecio anonymus
hikerpat: 026 leaves of Southern or Small's Ragwort
hikerpat: 027 Quaker Ladies aka Innocence, Houstonia caerulea
hikerpat: 028 a type of Salvia
hikerpat: 029 roadside Purple Phacelia, P. bipinnatifida
hikerpat: 030 bee on Purple Phacelia