hikerpat: 002 Siberian Iris
hikerpat: 004 Bearded Iris
hikerpat: 006 Cleavers aka Bedstraw, Galium aparine
hikerpat: 008 leaves of 007
hikerpat: 009 Solomon's Seal in old plow
hikerpat: 010 Star of Bethlehem
hikerpat: 011 metal mules pulling the wagon
hikerpat: 012 metal mule
hikerpat: 013 Money Plant aka Honesty, Silver Dollar, Lunaria, L. biennis
hikerpat: 014 Leatherleaf Mahonia
hikerpat: 020 Fringetree aka Old-Man's-Beard, Chionanthus virginicus L.
hikerpat: 021 close-up of Old-Man's-Beard
hikerpat: 024 Solomon's Seal, Polygonatum biflorum
hikerpat: 030 rain cleared out