hikerpat: 001 Mayapples starting to bud
hikerpat: 002 Sweet Betsy, T. cuneatum
hikerpat: 003 Rattlesnake Fern, Botrychium virginianum
hikerpat: 005 maybe Wood Violet leaves
hikerpat: 006 Yellow aka Lemon Trillium, T.
hikerpat: 007 majestic tree
hikerpat: 009 Slender Toothwort, Dentaria heterophylla
hikerpat: 010 Tennessee Chickweed, Stellaria corei
hikerpat: 012 Yellow Woodland Violet, V. pubescens
hikerpat: 014 leaves to 013
hikerpat: 015 leaves to Squirrel Corn
hikerpat: 016 2 fiddleheads
hikerpat: 017 fiddlehead
hikerpat: 018 fiddlehead
hikerpat: 019 Dutchman's Breeches, Dicentra cucullaria
hikerpat: 021 Squirrel Corn, Dicentra canadensis
hikerpat: 022 Dutchman's Breeches
hikerpat: 024 Virginia Spring Beauty
hikerpat: 025 unusual growth on Virginia Spring Beauty
hikerpat: 026 Help, I'm buried in moss
hikerpat: 028 Virginia Bluebells, Mertensia virginica
hikerpat: 030 about as good as a waterfall