hikerpat: 001 different stone bluff line
hikerpat: 002 one of the natural springs coming through rock
hikerpat: 003 remnants of a past life
hikerpat: 004 countryside
hikerpat: 007 last year's flower seed pods at Norris Dam SP
hikerpat: 008 Clinch River
hikerpat: 011 newly refurbished weir dam
hikerpat: 012 Bird's-Eye Speedwell, Veronica persica
hikerpat: 013 weir dam
hikerpat: 014 what am I
hikerpat: 015 Woodland Phlox, on Clear Creek Trail
hikerpat: 016 what am I
hikerpat: 017 wild Rose budding
hikerpat: 018 Slender Toothwort, Dentaria heterophylla
hikerpat: 019 Virginia Spring Beauty, Claytonia virginica
hikerpat: 020 Slender Toothwort, Dentaria heterophylla
hikerpat: 021 Wineberry, Rubus phoenicolasius's glandular bristles
hikerpat: 023 Virginia Spring Beauty
hikerpat: 025 Virginia Spring Beauty
hikerpat: 027 Red Spider Mite
hikerpat: 028 Virginia Spring Beauty
hikerpat: 029 Violet
hikerpat: 030 Violet