hikerpat: 002 get away from that crazy lady
hikerpat: 003 Eastern Towhee, Pipilo erythrophthalmus
hikerpat: 005 outa here
hikerpat: 011 Cranefly Orchid leaves, Tipularia discolor
hikerpat: 012 Christmas Fern
hikerpat: 013 swinging in high winds
hikerpat: 014 spider & web
hikerpat: 015 this is one very industrious spider
hikerpat: 016 just hanging with the big boys
hikerpat: 017 Puttyroot aka Adam & Eve fruits
hikerpat: 018 Purple Phacelia leaves
hikerpat: 019 Harbinger of Spring, Erigenia bulbosa
hikerpat: 020 Walking Fern, Asplenium rhizophyllum
hikerpat: 021 Nature is messy
hikerpat: 022 Purple Phacelia
hikerpat: 025 Walking Fern
hikerpat: 026 Beechdrops, Epifagus virginiana
hikerpat: 027 Sharp-Lobed Hepatica leaves
hikerpat: 028 Fern
hikerpat: 029 Fern
hikerpat: 030 Round-Lobed Hepatica, H. americana