hikerpat: 001 ...and so the day begins
hikerpat: 002 Fork Mountain Baptist Church
hikerpat: 003 Fork Mountain Baptist Church
hikerpat: 004 if this is their facility, the woods look better
hikerpat: 005 Fork Mountain Baptist Church
hikerpat: 007 Beech Grove Baptist Church
hikerpat: 008 Beech Grove Baptist Church
hikerpat: 009 pretty Red Clover
hikerpat: 010 last used by a guy, he left the seat up
hikerpat: 011 Beech Grove Baptist Church
hikerpat: 012 road in front of church
hikerpat: 013 Gallant Soldier, Galinsoga quadriradiata
hikerpat: 014 Coreopsis
hikerpat: 015 Indian Tobacco,Lobelia inflata
hikerpat: 016 Beefsteak Plant nutlets
hikerpat: 017-1 leaves of 017
hikerpat: 019 Beefsteak Plant aka Rattlesnake Weed, Perilla frutescens
hikerpat: 020 Beefsteak Plant
hikerpat: 021 can spiders be pretty
hikerpat: 024 Goldenrod
hikerpat: 025 Asters
hikerpat: 026 follow the winding road