hikerpat: 001 Rosinweed
hikerpat: 006 Narrowleaf Vervain,
hikerpat: 007 Narrowleaf Vervain, Verbena simplex
hikerpat: 008 Rattlensnake Master, Eryngium yuccifolium
hikerpat: 010 Tall Ironweed, Vernonia gigantea
hikerpat: 011 Flowering Spurge, Euphorbia corollata
hikerpat: 012 Vervain
hikerpat: 013 Pink Wild Bean, Strophostyles umbellata
hikerpat: 014 Mistflower, Conoclinium coelestinum
hikerpat: 015a
hikerpat: 015b auto
hikerpat: 015c
hikerpat: 016 Roundleaf Thoroughwort, Eupatorium rotundifolium
hikerpat: 017 leaves of Roundleaf Thoroughwort
hikerpat: 018 Cardinal Flower, Lobelia cardinalis
hikerpat: 023 Cowbane, Oxypolis rigidior
hikerpat: 024 leaves of Cowbane
hikerpat: 025 Hairy Skullcap, Scutellaria elliptica
hikerpat: 026 Boneset, Eupatorium perfoliatum
hikerpat: 027 Hollow Joe Pye Weed, Eupatorium fistulosum