hikerpat: 001 Cedars of Lebanon SP
hikerpat: 002 field of Tennessee Coneflowers, Echinacea tennesseensis
hikerpat: 003 Tennessee Coneflower seed heads
hikerpat: 004 Lanceleaf Gumweed
hikerpat: 006 Glade Bluets
hikerpat: 007 Whorled Milkweed, Asclepias verticillata
hikerpat: 008 Glade Wild Petunia, Ruellia humillis
hikerpat: 009 Gattinger's Lobelia, L. appendiculata var. gattingeri
hikerpat: 010 Shrubby St. Johnswort, Hypericum prolificum
hikerpat: 011 'shrooms
hikerpat: 012 Glade Petunia
hikerpat: 013 Slender Heliotrope, H. tenellum
hikerpat: 015 St. Johnswort
hikerpat: 016 Tennessee Coneflower
hikerpat: 017 Tennessee Coneflower bud
hikerpat: 018 Tennessee Coneflowers
hikerpat: 019 Tennessee Coneflowers
hikerpat: 020 Cranefly Orchid, Tipularia discolor
hikerpat: 022 Horse Nettle, Solanum carolinense
hikerpat: 023 Glade Petunia
hikerpat: 024 St. Johnswort
hikerpat: 025 Rose Pink, Sabatia angularis
hikerpat: 026 Agrimony, A. gryposepala
hikerpat: 027 Agrimony leaves
hikerpat: 028 Rose Pink
hikerpat: 029 Slender Heliotrope, H. tenellum
hikerpat: 030 Shrubby St. Johnswort