hikerpat: 001 tunnel through the mountain
hikerpat: 002 Great Rhododendron, R. maximum
hikerpat: 003 Epipactis helleborine orchid
hikerpat: 004 hanging by a thread
hikerpat: 005 Epipactis helleborine Orchid
hikerpat: 011 Wood Nettle, Laportea canadensis
hikerpat: 012 where spent Rhodo petals go
hikerpat: 013 where spent Rhodo petals go
hikerpat: 014 Red Admiral butterfly
hikerpat: 017 Heal All aka Self-heal, Prunella vulgaris
hikerpat: 019 Crimson Bee Balm
hikerpat: 021 Lilyleaf Twayblade, Liparis lilifolia
hikerpat: 023 White Wood Aster, A. divaricatus var. divaricatus
hikerpat: 024 Wild Chervil seed heads
hikerpat: 025 Wild Chervil seed heads, Cryptotania canadensis
hikerpat: 026 Basil Bee Balm, Monarda clinopodia
hikerpat: 027 Basil Bee Balm, Monarda clinopodia
hikerpat: 029 bracts of Basil Bee Balm