hikerpat: 002 Black Haw
hikerpat: 006 Japanese Honeysuckle - invasive non-native
hikerpat: 007 fertilized Japanese Honeysuckle
hikerpat: 008 Showy Evening Primrose, Oenothera speciosa
hikerpat: 009 Oxeye Daisies blowing in the breeze
hikerpat: 010 Honewort aka Wild Chervil, Cryptotaenia canadensis
hikerpat: 011 leaves of Honewort
hikerpat: 012 Buckthorn flower
hikerpat: 013 Horse Nettle, Solanum carolinense
hikerpat: 015 nasty algae bloom
hikerpat: 016 Spanish Bayonet, Yucca filamentosa
hikerpat: 017 Swamp Rose, Rosa palustris
hikerpat: 018 Black Vulture
hikerpat: 020 Wild Garlic
hikerpat: 021 Black Vulture
hikerpat: 022 Stringy Stonecrop, Sedum sarmentosum
hikerpat: 023 Queen Anne's Lace aka Wild Carrot, Daucus carota
hikerpat: 025 Beaked Corn Salad
hikerpat: 026 Spotted Cat's Ear, Hypochaeris radicata
hikerpat: 027 leaves of Spotted Cat's Ear
hikerpat: 028 Beaked Corn Salad, Valerianella radiata
hikerpat: 029 Great Blue Heron
hikerpat: 030 Osprey