hikerpat: 001 Squaw Root aka Cancer Root, Conopholis americana
hikerpat: 002 Clinch River w-Bull Run Steam Plant across river
hikerpat: 003 SlenderToothwort, Dentaria heterophylla
hikerpat: 005 Fiddlehead Fern
hikerpat: 006 Largeleaf Waterleaf, Hydrophyllum macrophyllum
hikerpat: 007 close-up of Largeleaf Waterleaf leaves
hikerpat: 009 family of fiddleheads
hikerpat: 010 Squaw Root
hikerpat: 011 Cutleaf Toothwort, Dentaria laciniata
hikerpat: 012 mat of moss
hikerpat: 013 Yellow Trillium, T. luteum
hikerpat: 015 just emerging fiddleheads
hikerpat: 017 spore bodies
hikerpat: 018 so many ferns, too little time