hikerpat: IMG_6750a Steve Oliphant
hikerpat: IMG_6752a
hikerpat: IMG_6753a
hikerpat: IMG_6755a Holly berries
hikerpat: IMG_6756a
hikerpat: IMG_6759a
hikerpat: IMG_6762a Hibiscus flower growing up through Holly tree
hikerpat: IMG_6764a
hikerpat: IMG_6765a Partridge Pea, Chamaecrista fasciculata
hikerpat: IMG_6767a Yellow Wingstem
hikerpat: IMG_6770a happiness in the rain garden
hikerpat: IMG_6772a happiness hiding among happy flowers
hikerpat: IMG_6773a happiness hiding among happy flowers
hikerpat: IMG_6774a White Turtleheads
hikerpat: IMG_6775a
hikerpat: IMG_6780a
hikerpat: IMG_6781a
hikerpat: IMG_6782a
hikerpat: IMG_6783a Bluebird doing his high-wire act
hikerpat: IMG_6788a Jimsonweed
hikerpat: IMG_6789a Mint family
hikerpat: IMG_6790a end of our journey
hikerpat: IMG_6791a
hikerpat: IMG_6792a
hikerpat: IMG_6794a
hikerpat: IMG_6797a twins
hikerpat: IMG_6798a
hikerpat: IMG_6800a Pitcher Plants hold water
hikerpat: IMG_6803a Pitcher Plant's fuzzy leaves
hikerpat: IMG_6806a Silver-spotted Skipper