hikerpat: 001 Great Blue Lobelia, L. siphilitica
hikerpat: 002 Cardinal Flower, Lobelia cardinalis
hikerpat: 003 Mistflower, Conoclinium coelestinum
hikerpat: 005 White Crownbeard, Verbesina virginica
hikerpat: 006 Mistflower buds
hikerpat: 007 Great Blue Lobelia
hikerpat: 008 Great Blue Lobelia, top down
hikerpat: 009 Flowering Spurge, Euphorbia corollata
hikerpat: 010 very late Scaly Blazing Star, Liatris squarrosa
hikerpat: 011 3 stages of bloom Rough Blazing Star, Liatris aspera
hikerpat: 012 there is beauty that lies within Rough Blazing Star
hikerpat: 013 Rough Blazing Star
hikerpat: 014 Slender Gaura, G. filipes
hikerpat: 015 Rough Blazing Star
hikerpat: 016 seeds of...
hikerpat: 018 Field Thistle, Cirsium discolor
hikerpat: 019 Slender Bush Clover, Lespedeza virginica
hikerpat: 020 Pearl Crescent, Phyciodes tharos
hikerpat: 021 Black-Eyed Susan
hikerpat: 022 Rough Blazing Star
hikerpat: 023 Flowering Spurge
hikerpat: 024 grass seeds
hikerpat: 025 rain drops on spider web
hikerpat: 026 male - we shared the trail
hikerpat: 027 seeds of Agrimony, A. gryposepala
hikerpat: 028 Rosinweed
hikerpat: 029 bird-of-prey feather
hikerpat: 030 Hairy Mountain Mint, Pycnanthemum verticillatum