hikerpat: 002 done working for the day
hikerpat: 003 stallion is calling to the other horses
hikerpat: 006 grass is always greener on the other side
hikerpat: 007 stallion's photo shoot
hikerpat: 008 Oh, my man, I love him so
hikerpat: 013 Eastern Bergamot, Monarda bradburiana
hikerpat: 014 Monarda
hikerpat: 015 Indian Cucumber Root, Medeola virginiana
hikerpat: 020 lots of effort for this view of Crooked Arm Cascade
hikerpat: 021 zigzag stem
hikerpat: 022 Common Fleabane, Erigeron philadelphicus
hikerpat: 023 it caught itself a meal
hikerpat: 030 found a crow picking on this snake skin