hikerpat: 001 seldom do I see a Bluejay
hikerpat: 003 European Starling
hikerpat: 010 haulin' myself outta here
hikerpat: 011 sun peeking through
hikerpat: 012 male House Finch
hikerpat: 013 male House Finch
hikerpat: 014 Azalea at front door
hikerpat: 017 two still in the nest
hikerpat: 018 no, I do not have your food
hikerpat: 019 first escapee by my fence
hikerpat: 021 extremely upside thinking I'm hurting the baby on the ground
hikerpat: 022 here's the second escapee
hikerpat: 024 hopping across the road
hikerpat: 025 calling for Mom
hikerpat: 029 this year's bumper crop