hikerpat: 003 sheen of pollen
hikerpat: 004 perfect form
hikerpat: 005 flaps up, landing gear down
hikerpat: 009 Osprey
hikerpat: 012 Chipping Sparrow
hikerpat: 013 Goslings
hikerpat: 014 Lyreleaf Sage
hikerpat: 015 Southern Blackberry, find Daddy Long-Legs
hikerpat: 016 Southern Blackberry, Rubus argutus
hikerpat: 018 blooming Tulip Poplar
hikerpat: 019 convenient way to fish-from your house
hikerpat: 020 Pompadour Duck & mate w-male Mallard
hikerpat: 023 male Mallard just dropped in
hikerpat: 024 I only have eyes for you
hikerpat: 027 find the Great Blue Heron
hikerpat: 028 9.34am & already napping... waterfront living is a tough life