hikerpat: IMG_5980a spore bodies on dead log
hikerpat: IMG_5984a Rue Anemone w-green fly
hikerpat: IMG_5989a Bloodroot
hikerpat: IMG_5991a Bloodroot bud
hikerpat: IMG_5992a Virginia Spring Beauty, V. caroliniana
hikerpat: IMG_5995a Fiddlehead
hikerpat: IMG_6000a Hepatica
hikerpat: IMG_6004a Toothwort
hikerpat: IMG_6007a Bellwort
hikerpat: IMG_6008a Bellwort & Virginia Spring Beauty
hikerpat: IMG_6009a grass
hikerpat: IMG_6011a yet to be
hikerpat: IMG_6013a Toothwort
hikerpat: IMG_6015a Toothwort
hikerpat: IMG_6016a Toothwort
hikerpat: IMG_6018a Buckeye bud
hikerpat: IMG_6019a Buckeye
hikerpat: IMG_6021a Bloodroot
hikerpat: IMG_6024a Long-Spurred Violet, Viola rostrata
hikerpat: IMG_6025a Bloodroot, Sanguinaria canadensis
hikerpat: IMG_6029a patch of Long-Spurred Violets
hikerpat: IMG_6033a Star Chickweed aka Giant C., Stellaria pubera
hikerpat: IMG_6035a Buckeye
hikerpat: IMG_6036a Hepatica
hikerpat: IMG_6038a Hairyjoint Meadow Parsnip, Thaspium Barbinode
hikerpat: IMG_6041a Hairyjoint Meadow Parsnip
hikerpat: IMG_6042a Bloodroot
hikerpat: IMG_6043a 2 Bloodroots, one w-seed capsule
hikerpat: IMG_6045a Hairyjoint Meadow Parsnip
hikerpat: IMG_6046a Smooth Rock Cress, Arabis laevigata