hikerpat: 001 waiting on her
hikerpat: 002 aren't you done yet
hikerpat: 003 you sure are a slow eater
hikerpat: 004 I'm tired of waiting for her
hikerpat: 005 is he still watching me
hikerpat: 006 you're watching me, too
hikerpat: 007 did she leave anything for me
hikerpat: 008 female all fluffed up against the cold
hikerpat: 009 female getting tired of waiting for another turn
hikerpat: 010 male Downy Woodpecker
hikerpat: 011 female Goldfinch
hikerpat: 012 ladies first...pfffft
hikerpat: 013 here we go again
hikerpat: 015 female Mourning Dove
hikerpat: 016 female Downy Woodpecker
hikerpat: 017 Song Sparrow
hikerpat: 018 Song Sparrow
hikerpat: 019 Song Sparrow
hikerpat: 022 I have to watch my back around here
hikerpat: 025 caught with a mouth full