hikerpat: 001 isn't this Christmas dragon adorable
hikerpat: 005 Lake View overlook
hikerpat: 007 across road from Lake View o-l
hikerpat: 008 Lake View o-l
hikerpat: 009 Lake View o-l
hikerpat: 010 icy bluff
hikerpat: 011 hawk watching over the valley
hikerpat: 012 Brushy Ridge o-l
hikerpat: 014 trees on a snowy slope
hikerpat: 018 Unicoi Gap
hikerpat: 019 more snow in the forecast
hikerpat: 020 looking East from Unicoi Gap
hikerpat: 022 looking West from Unicoi Gap
hikerpat: 025 Brushy Ridge o-l
hikerpat: 027 Brushy Ridge o-look
hikerpat: 028 Brushy Ridge o-l
hikerpat: 029 crepuscular rays at Turkey Creek o-l