hikerpat: 003 my name is Bella
hikerpat: 008 do dogs eat peanut brittle
hikerpat: 009 Bella likes that peanut brittle
hikerpat: 011 kiss turned into lots of barking, snapping, snarling
hikerpat: 013 Great Pyrenees
hikerpat: 014 the messy mutt that upset Bella
hikerpat: 016 this looks like a Nana, but I think it's male
hikerpat: 017 3 dogs, one owner
hikerpat: 021 finally, they are arriving
hikerpat: 023 one of 8 horses, in traveling clothes
hikerpat: 024 all of them have tails tied up w-bows
hikerpat: 025 dressage
hikerpat: 026 well-dressed
hikerpat: 027 first one dressed had to wait the longest
hikerpat: 028 backing into the harness
hikerpat: 030 all of them have roses down the mane