bianca nera: mama drama's got to go dad
bianca nera: mag is displeased
bianca nera: didn't know i'd love you so much
bianca nera: we will always have each other
bianca nera: in our time of need
bianca nera: you're the world to me
bianca nera: paul's best work
bianca nera: SLICE!!!
bianca nera: don't leave it to her
bianca nera: leave it to me!
bianca nera: all you have to do is pull the trigger
bianca nera: i'm dying you idiots
bianca nera: a tale befitting any opera
bianca nera: an ending only i could spin
bianca nera: ending you will be my pleasure
bianca nera: you can never trust a monster
bianca nera: did you know he killed your mother?
bianca nera: accidents can't end in murder
bianca nera: that was just an accident
bianca nera: chillaxin
bianca nera: and it's my job
bianca nera: to steal and rob....
bianca nera: sonia's handiwork
bianca nera: this way kid!
bianca nera: graveyeard lurking
bianca nera: it's clean
bianca nera: it's pure
bianca nera: GRAAAAAAVES!!!!