pad thai: Ali's favourite restaurant
pad thai: Thai fresh fruit
pad thai: Sanpakoi market
pad thai: down time
pad thai: drafts
pad thai: at the barber shop
pad thai: Helping Hands
pad thai: astride the elephant
pad thai: riding the elephant
pad thai: freeing the buffalo
pad thai: buffalo cart ride
pad thai: bamboo rafting
pad thai: sweet pose at the butterfly farm
pad thai: Khantoke Dinner
pad thai: the candle dance
pad thai: rice paddies
pad thai: how many corners?
pad thai: we three
pad thai: rain hat
pad thai: Dave and crocodile rock
pad thai: coming out of the cave
pad thai: yes, it's a flattie
pad thai: Ali and Ingrid
pad thai: Karen village
pad thai: Karen girl
pad thai: playing with balloon
pad thai: boat driver in b&w
pad thai: them two
pad thai: don't do it!
pad thai: playing cards by lamplight