Stuart Gennery Photography: Who says I've wrinkles?
Stuart Gennery Photography: French Sunflower
Stuart Gennery Photography: Top of Haystacks, Lake District
Stuart Gennery Photography: Sunset on Lowes Water, Lake Distrct
Stuart Gennery Photography: River Vienne, Loire Valley,France
Stuart Gennery Photography: Sunset at Lowes Water, Lake District
Stuart Gennery Photography: Castlerigg Stone Circle,Lake District
Stuart Gennery Photography: After a hard days work.
Stuart Gennery Photography: These leaves are so pretty
Stuart Gennery Photography: River Vienne,Loire Valley,France,2008
Stuart Gennery Photography: South Bank, London
Stuart Gennery Photography: Canterbury Cathedral
Stuart Gennery Photography: Whitstable sunset
Stuart Gennery Photography: Looking towards the Apse,Canterbury Cathedral
Stuart Gennery Photography: First Butterfly of Spring.
Stuart Gennery Photography: You just wouldn't BELIEVE the mood I'm in!!
Stuart Gennery Photography: Bald Eagle,Eagle Heights, Eynseford,Kent
Stuart Gennery Photography: Poppies in field of Barley.
Stuart Gennery Photography: Yellow Asphodel (Asphodeline lutea)
Stuart Gennery Photography: Shuttlecock Fern
Stuart Gennery Photography: Southwark Cathedral2