turbine blade:
Barton Theatre Pipe Organ - See full-length uncut version at YouTube address below the picture.
turbine blade:
Grand Barton Theatre Organ - back from the dead!!
turbine blade:
Solo Tibia Clausa...and other good stuff.
turbine blade:
The Barton Organ
turbine blade:
turbine blade:
1927 Bartola Instrument Company beauty....Raised from the dead!!
turbine blade:
turbine blade:
Justin at the Barton Theatre Console
turbine blade:
turbine blade:
Art of the Barton
turbine blade:
1/8-second hand-held point-and-shoot Nikon
turbine blade:
turbine blade:
The Barton swell pedal indicators (look like billiard balls on a rod) from the old Indiana Theatre days.