KeithABradley: Little fly with Sophora tomentosa var. occidentalis (Necklace pod)
KeithABradley: Utricularia simulans (Fringed bladderwort)
KeithABradley: Hypericum crux-andrea (St. Peter's wort)
KeithABradley: Hybanthus linearifolius (Chancleta)
KeithABradley: Ipomoea triloba (Littlebell)
KeithABradley: Zephyranthes candida (Zephyr autumnlily)
KeithABradley: Ipomoea microdactyla (Man in the Ground)
KeithABradley: Hypericum edisonianum (Edison's St. John's Wort)
KeithABradley: Archbold Biological Station, Highlands County Florida
KeithABradley: Scutellaria havanensis (Havana scullcap)
KeithABradley: Dendrophylax lindenii (Ghost orchid)
KeithABradley: Acer palmatum abstract (Japanese maple)
KeithABradley: Vanilla phaeantha (Leafy vanilla)
KeithABradley: Trichocentrum undulatum (Mule ear orchid)
KeithABradley: Crescentia alata (Mexican calabash)
KeithABradley: Plumbago zeylanica (Doctorbush)
KeithABradley: Cyrtopodium punctatum (Cowhorn orchid, cigar orchid)
KeithABradley: Sabatia calycina (Coastal rosegentian)
KeithABradley: Galeandra bicarinata (Helmet orchid)
KeithABradley: Rhynchosia precatoria
KeithABradley: Melinis minutiflora (Molasses grass)
KeithABradley: Tradescantia ohiensis (Bluejacket)
KeithABradley: Tradescantia ohiensis (Bluejacket, Ohio spiderwort)
KeithABradley: Barleria cristata (Crested Phillipine violet)
KeithABradley: Eriochloa michauxii (Michaux's cupgrass)
KeithABradley: Canna flaccida (Bandana of the Everglades, Golden Canna)
KeithABradley: Ponthieva brittoniae (Mrs. Britton's shadow witch)
KeithABradley: Polygala cruciata (Drumheads)
KeithABradley: Acanthocereus tetragonus (Barbed wire cactus, dildoe cactus)
KeithABradley: Opuntia triacanthos (Spanish lady, Keys Joe-jumper)