Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Sumikko Gurashi Drug Store #6 #rement
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: WIP 1/6 vintage Barbie refrigerator - chrome silver hobby paint
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: WIP 1/6 scale barbie repaints
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: WIP 1/6 scale barbie kitchen
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: WIP 1/6 scale vintage stove by @puttering
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Miniature tiles have arrived for the 1/6 backsplash (!) Anyone have the time for a teeny espresso? ☕ ❤️ ⌚
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Caturday #rement
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Little tiny kitchen with a little tiny cat
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Fresh cinnamon rolls for breakfast #rement
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Vintage kitchen
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Baking day