Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Week 3 Colors
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: flora makes a new friend
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: new Pixar stamps from post office
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: brave transforming triplets set (Mattel)
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Blythe a Day June: Day 7 Movie
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: there's always one
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Brave pixar triplets (Mattel)
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Brave pixar transforming triplets (Mattel)
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Brave pixar bears (Mattel)
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Brave Pixar toys (Mattel)
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Brave pixar toys (Mattel)
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: subway kids meal bags
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Blythe a Day June: Day 11 Funny
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: score. hubby brought this home. this is why he's awesome.
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: final merida bag. no more subway until forever now. snark
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Blythe a Day June: Day 12 Music
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: merida rocks
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Blythe a Day June: Day 14 Red, White, Blue
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Blythe a Day June: Day 18 Family
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: rehomed Merida 18" Limited Edition
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Blythe a Day June: Day 28 Game
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: 9/52 Dolly Shelf Sunday
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Blythe a Day June: 9 Mini Me
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Another snow day! Back to the snow fort!
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Mr. Gray Cloud meets Sadness
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD: Here's to changing your fate