Jemjoop Blythe/BJD:
doodle doodle dee
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD:
etu, Brute?
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD:
Blythe a Day March: 15 etu, Brute?
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD:
Spring Chikens - Happy Wubba Wednesday
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD:
bok! getting ready for Easter
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD:
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD:
new pink girl, bought her for the hair. not sure if it's guava, peony, or ichigo heaven. anyone?
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD:
Wubba not speaking to me today.
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD:
Blythe a Day Nov 20 Laughter
Jemjoop Blythe/BJD:
No. 3 rushes in on his noble steed to wish you a delightful Wubba Wednesday