lostfate13: Fool's Fire
lostfate13: Spidey
lostfate13: Idol Death
lostfate13: Want a Bath?
lostfate13: Hello
lostfate13: Under the Stairs
lostfate13: If Only...
lostfate13: Is it a UFO?
lostfate13: Harbringer
lostfate13: Dizzy
lostfate13: Windmill
lostfate13: Forgotten Youth
lostfate13: As the Pig Waves
lostfate13: Dick Tarts
lostfate13: May I Pump Your Gas?
lostfate13: Typical Friday Night
lostfate13: Rearview Mirror
lostfate13: Do the Dew
lostfate13: Mosaic
lostfate13: Star Light
lostfate13: Flying Trio
lostfate13: Hanging Star
lostfate13: The Welcome Cock
lostfate13: Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
lostfate13: Dynamic Duo
lostfate13: Ordinary View
lostfate13: Watcher
lostfate13: Strawberry Carbonated Soft Drink
lostfate13: Time...
lostfate13: Marker