grumpypop51: Common Starling
grumpypop51: Little Pied Cormorant
grumpypop51: White faced Heron
grumpypop51: Watching the watchers
grumpypop51: Breakfast
grumpypop51: Tasmanian Native Hen
grumpypop51: Little Pied and Little Black Cormorants
grumpypop51: Blackbird (male).
grumpypop51: Watch this guy land!
grumpypop51: Feed me!
grumpypop51: Sparrows waiting for food.
grumpypop51: Spotted turtledove
grumpypop51: Masked Lapwing
grumpypop51: Brush Wattlebird
grumpypop51: Pied Oystercatcher 2
grumpypop51: Chestnut Teal (female)
grumpypop51: Blackbird Posing
grumpypop51: Northern Mallard Drake.
grumpypop51: Chestnut Teal Duck
grumpypop51: Northern Mallard Pair
grumpypop51: Blackbird hen.
grumpypop51: Psst!!
grumpypop51: Black-faced Cormorant
grumpypop51: Intermediate Egret
grumpypop51: White-faced Heron
grumpypop51: European Green Finch.
grumpypop51: At the Diner.
grumpypop51: Goldfinch.
grumpypop51: Landing