Nadia Minic: Art: Watercolour contemporary:..Winter Night-Light...
Nadia Minic: Photo: ...snow in the morning January 26th 2015
Nadia Minic: Photo: ...Wiltz (Luxembourg) by night...
Nadia Minic: Photo:..Winter mood...
Nadia Minic: Art:...Watercolour:..Luminous ...
Nadia Minic: Photo:..Winter Panorama with a patch of blue sky... (from my window)
Nadia Minic: Photo:...snow...snowing...
Nadia Minic: Photo:..February 1st...a fairy tale wood...
Nadia Minic: Photo:..observations ..., from today's walk along the river Moselle
Nadia Minic: Photo:...illuminated moss by sunshine on an old vineyardwall...
Nadia Minic: Photo:...Luxembourg, Winter-Panorama...
Nadia Minic: Watercolour:...detente and tranquility..., view on Krk-Island
Nadia Minic: Photo:...morning frost...
Nadia Minic: Art: all my flickr-friends I wish a lovefull Valentine !...
Nadia Minic: Art:..Watercolour:...Carnival
Nadia Minic: Photo:...rain and little sunshine in february 2015
Nadia Minic: Photo: and my dear mother (92 years old)
Nadia Minic: Photo:...birch crown in blue sky... 2015
Nadia Minic: International Women's Day March 8th ... Watercolour:...Worldwide Liberty to Them/Us and Equal Rights..! liberté aux femmes et droits égaux !
Nadia Minic: Photo:..early February morning by the river Moselle...
Nadia Minic: Art: Watercolour:...'Noble'...
Nadia Minic: Photo:...cut away ! umber-colored rest of the tree
Nadia Minic: Art: watercolour: two trees memories...
Nadia Minic: Art: Watercolour:...'bridge over troubled water', dedicated to my children
Nadia Minic: Photo:...evening light in my home...March 2004
Nadia Minic: Sympathy circa 1878 Briton Riviere 1840-1920 Presented by Sir Henry Tate 1897
Nadia Minic: 30.000 YEARS OLD - 'Venus from Willendorf' - Austria
Nadia Minic: Plaque to memorise the founding place of 'Venus from Willendorf', Austria
Nadia Minic: Photo: a little violet bunch (from the country morning-walk)
Nadia Minic: Photo:...24.03.2015...a very sad day ! Airbus A320, Germanwings, crached !