Nadia Minic: Photo:... a lot to do...moving in my new home, May 2013
Nadia Minic: Photo: ...magic rainbow !
Nadia Minic: Photo: ... lilac perfume is heavenly
Nadia Minic: blossoms in an old blue vase of my 'grand mère'
Nadia Minic: Photo:...Lilac, dear memories of my childhood hours....
Nadia Minic: Photo:...a peony in the rainy Whit Monday !...
Nadia Minic: Photo: ...2013 -6- juin, pavots énormes après tant de pluie..., jardin Wehr
Nadia Minic: Photo:..wunderbarer Klatschmohn im Morgenwind,
Nadia Minic: Photo: a 'family-garden-conversation...the rest of my red garden-poppies....
Nadia Minic: Photo:...HELLO, here I am... 'born' three days before the first Summer-Day...
Nadia Minic: Photo:...majestätische Königskerze, eine Heilpflanze
Nadia Minic: Photo:...Besuch einer grossblumigen Königskerzen-Blüte...
Nadia Minic: Photo:...PINK and Green...'green eats pink'...!
Nadia Minic: may mailbox there are two litte baby-birds redstart...!
Nadia Minic: 19.07.2013...I whish you a happy summer-weekend
Nadia Minic: the garden with my son who took the photo
Nadia Minic: Photo:...Miro so happy to listen to us
Nadia Minic: son Paul-Nicolas, July 19th, 2013
Nadia Minic: Photo:...two rose - sisters
Nadia Minic: Photo:...a garden-rose collection...
Nadia Minic: Photo:...Calmness, Tranquility, Meditation..../Stille, Ruhe und Meditation...
Nadia Minic:, fresh and friendly...
Nadia Minic: in sunshine...
Nadia Minic: Photo:...silently early morning...
Nadia Minic: Photo:...not blue but pink...
Nadia Minic: Photo:...a vision in white...beautiful white lily-bunch from my daughter
Nadia Minic: Photo:...Miro and his loved and favorite toy...
Nadia Minic: Photo:...I give it to you...
Nadia Minic: Photo:...little 'Mausi' (only the colours are similar) visiting my Miro...
Nadia Minic: Photo: Autumn light around the house...