abudulla.saheem: smiling pea
abudulla.saheem: Sonnenblume
abudulla.saheem: Marienkäfer
abudulla.saheem: Pusteblume
abudulla.saheem: Balkenschröter
abudulla.saheem: Riesenmohn
abudulla.saheem: Duisburg - Schweizer Strasse
abudulla.saheem: Siebenpunkt Marienkaefer
abudulla.saheem: Hummel auf Blume
abudulla.saheem: Marienkäfer Larve
abudulla.saheem: Schwebfliege
abudulla.saheem: Stolperkäfer
abudulla.saheem: Spannerraupe
abudulla.saheem: Raupe der Gespinstmotte
abudulla.saheem: Maikäfer flieg...
abudulla.saheem: Who's afraid of the big bad wolf?
abudulla.saheem: Goat Moth (Cossus cossus) [Caterpillar]
abudulla.saheem: Goat Moth (Cossus cossus) [Caterpillar]
abudulla.saheem: Large Red Damselfly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) [male]
abudulla.saheem: cucumber green spider (Araniella cucurbitina)
abudulla.saheem: nursery web spider (Pisaura mirabilis)
abudulla.saheem: Green bottle fly (Lucilia sericata)
abudulla.saheem: Macrosiphoniella tapuskae
abudulla.saheem: Vespinae
abudulla.saheem: cross spider
abudulla.saheem: cross spider
abudulla.saheem: cross spider
abudulla.saheem: Aerial root