lynnah: every mother has days like this
lynnah: pensive
lynnah: Wary
lynnah: Fledgling Robin
lynnah: toad on a slide
lynnah: goldfinch in crab
lynnah: 13 lined ground squirrel
lynnah: Watchful Mama Robin
lynnah: Wingra goose
lynnah: Swamp turtle
lynnah: Female Redwing blackbird
lynnah: Cooper hawk 2
lynnah: 5th try's the charm
lynnah: takin' it easy
lynnah: yellow swallowtail (Evansville)
lynnah: mud butterflies
lynnah: sleepy duck
lynnah: young marmots
lynnah: wet marmot
lynnah: Gotcha!
lynnah: pelican in flight
lynnah: waiting for a tasty trout
lynnah: Geyser loving bison
lynnah: Old Faithful warming up
lynnah: Elk at West Thumb
lynnah: pair of moose
lynnah: scratching post
lynnah: baby Bison
lynnah: Yellowstone coyote
lynnah: Cold Cardinal