arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽遊行途經的大理石教堂Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Danish Flage, The Marble Church, Copenhagen, Denmark門前掛上丹麥國旗3
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽遊行途經的大理石教堂Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Danish Flage, The Marble Church, Copenhagen, Denmark門前掛上丹麥國旗
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽People Gathering, Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky群眾聚集致意23
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽People Gathering, Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky群眾聚集致意19
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽People Gathering, Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky群眾聚集致意18
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽People Gathering, Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky群眾聚集致意15
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽People Gathering, Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky群眾聚集致意14
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽People Gathering, Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky群眾聚集致意9
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽People Gathering, Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky群眾聚集致意6
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽People Gathering, Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky群眾聚集致意3
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, People Gathering, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmark民眾聚集慶祝
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Copenhagen, Denmark餐廳露天餐桌擺放國旗
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Copenhagen, Denmark畫廊擺設女王畫像2
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Copenhagen, Denmark畫廊擺設女王畫像1
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Copenhagen, Denmark畫廊擺設女王畫像
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky在皇宮陽台向群眾揮手致意22
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky在皇宮陽台向群眾揮手致意19
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky在皇宮陽台向群眾揮手致意12
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky在皇宮陽台向群眾揮手致意8
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky在皇宮陽台向群眾揮手致意7
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky在皇宮陽台向群眾揮手致意6
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky在皇宮陽台向群眾揮手致意5
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky在皇宮陽台向群眾揮手致意2
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥女王70大壽Her Majesty the Queen Margrethe II 70th Birtyday, Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmarky在皇宮陽台向群眾揮手致意1
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥 Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmark衛兵5
arthurchengjca: 20100416丹麥 Amalienborg Palace, Copenhagen, Denmark衛兵
arthurchengjca: IMG_1822