suey_j: Old and New
suey_j: Building site mural
suey_j: Victoria Square fountain
suey_j: Window ornamentation
suey_j: Town Hall foyer
suey_j: Old and new
suey_j: Adelaide Town Hall
suey_j: Outside the Hilton hotel
suey_j: Tie display
suey_j: Central Market
suey_j: Myer Centre - glass dome ceiling
suey_j: DSCN9942
suey_j: DSCN9915
suey_j: DSCN9935
suey_j: DSCN9959
suey_j: Central Market
suey_j: DSCN9929
suey_j: Adelaide Town Hall
suey_j: Central Market
suey_j: DSCN9961
suey_j: Petunias outside Adelaide Town Hall
suey_j: DSCN9930
suey_j: DSCN9905
suey_j: Central Market
suey_j: Reflection
suey_j: DSCN9971
suey_j: DSCN9926
suey_j: Outside the Hilton Hotel
suey_j: DSCN9932
suey_j: Adelaide Town Hall