michelleverd: Venus de Milos at the Caylon Building
michelleverd: Calyon Building
michelleverd: Rising Currents: Projects for New York’s Waterfront
michelleverd: Rising Currents: Projects for New York’s Waterfront
michelleverd: Rising Currents: Projects for New York’s Waterfront
michelleverd: Rising Currents: Projects for New York’s Waterfront
michelleverd: Rising Currents: Projects for New York’s Waterfront
michelleverd: Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present
michelleverd: Marina Abramović: The Artist Is Present
michelleverd: watching Marina
michelleverd: Bernard Tschumi, the Blue Building
michelleverd: Bernard Tschumi, the Blue Building
michelleverd: Barrio Chino
michelleverd: Barrio Chino
michelleverd: Williamsburg Bridge
michelleverd: Williamsburg Bridge