cody_7147: site program partis
cody_7147: site program partis
cody_7147: connector
cody_7147: view to tunnel below
cody_7147: birdy
cody_7147: large program volume
cody_7147: birdy
cody_7147: Site plan
cody_7147: north end
cody_7147: inner
cody_7147: inner courtyard
cody_7147: birdy 1
cody_7147: Just for fun with tobin
cody_7147: program diagram
cody_7147: Section 1
cody_7147: Section 2
cody_7147: concept diagram
cody_7147: Site Plan
cody_7147: Section
cody_7147: steel 3
cody_7147: steel 2
cody_7147: steel 1
cody_7147: perspective steel iso
cody_7147: street level perspective
cody_7147: birdy
cody_7147: perspective detail
cody_7147: SitePlan
cody_7147: street level perspective
cody_7147: street view
cody_7147: site section / elevation