b16dyr: Not sure what it is?
b16dyr: Having a laugh
b16dyr: Sweet Peas
b16dyr: Echium
b16dyr: Sweet peas behind wire
b16dyr: Sweet nectar
b16dyr: Red Red Rose
b16dyr: Fading colours
b16dyr: Romantic Towers
b16dyr: Under the Gunnera
b16dyr: largest leaf
b16dyr: Stone and marble seat
b16dyr: In the borders
b16dyr: In for a dip!
b16dyr: In the fernery
b16dyr: Ferns under glass
b16dyr: All looking down!
b16dyr: See any fish?
b16dyr: Relaxing on our cruise
b16dyr: Polyanthus benches
b16dyr: Hothouse plants
b16dyr: Deep discussions
b16dyr: Group photo
b16dyr: In the Walled Garden
b16dyr: Salvia "Hot Lips"
b16dyr: Pink Flecks
b16dyr: Rock Garden
b16dyr: In the Rock Garden
b16dyr: Ladybird on the Sea Holy
b16dyr: Geese in the Long Grass