b16dyr: POLIN at night
b16dyr: Sweeping structure
b16dyr: Looking out of POLIN
b16dyr: Reconstructed Vault and Bimah
b16dyr: Stencilled panel
b16dyr: Angels of the Praga
b16dyr: Anyone for tennis
b16dyr: free range hens
b16dyr: The Band
b16dyr: Peek a boo
b16dyr: Mother Goose Nightmare
b16dyr: Original graffiti
b16dyr: Slum Tenement
b16dyr: Backcourt Shrine
b16dyr: All Nationalities
b16dyr: W Oparach Absurdu
b16dyr: Small Bar and Mezzanine
b16dyr: Coloured Lights
b16dyr: Plasterwork Flowers
b16dyr: Warsaw Uprising Memorial
b16dyr: The Three Graces
b16dyr: New Town Church
b16dyr: Christmas bauble
b16dyr: Infiltrator at POLIN
b16dyr: Across the Vistula
b16dyr: Vewing Tower
b16dyr: Old Town at sunset
b16dyr: View to the Altar
b16dyr: The Organ Pipes
b16dyr: St John the Baptist