b16dyr: The First Glimpse
b16dyr: Lining the Streets
b16dyr: Parade Leader
b16dyr: Torch Bearer
b16dyr: Trombonist
b16dyr: Batman
b16dyr: Batman with Flames
b16dyr: It's a drag with fire
b16dyr: The Parade Passes
b16dyr: A lots of Barrels
b16dyr: The Band Played
b16dyr: Cure for a Head Cold
b16dyr: Child in the Glow
b16dyr: Bonfire
b16dyr: Allendale Crowds
b16dyr: Outside the Golden Lion Hotel
b16dyr: End of the Barrel
b16dyr: Tar Barrel Men
b16dyr: Bridges over the Tyne
b16dyr: The Sage
b16dyr: The River God
b16dyr: Blowing a Kiss?
b16dyr: Tinted Angel
b16dyr: Grey day at the Angel
b16dyr: Angel Ribs
b16dyr: Angel Construstion
b16dyr: Wings of the Angel
b16dyr: Windswept Angel
b16dyr: Wedding Bus
b16dyr: Langley Castle