b16dyr: Butterfly
b16dyr: Calopteryx splendens - Banded Demoiselle
b16dyr: Nature in a terrible place
b16dyr: Sign of Nature
b16dyr: Ducks on walkabout
b16dyr: Swan out of water
b16dyr: Paying Respects
b16dyr: Flight of the Oystercatchers
b16dyr: Roe a Deer
b16dyr: In flight Oystercatcher
b16dyr: Soaring Oystercatcher
b16dyr: Mid distance
b16dyr: Oystercatcher Poster
b16dyr: Next bus due?
b16dyr: Bees on Pink
b16dyr: Gulls, Gulls, Gulls
b16dyr: Hang onto your Hat
b16dyr: Wings spread
b16dyr: Coming into land
b16dyr: In the crowd
b16dyr: Heilan Coo
b16dyr: Tortoiseshell butterfly
b16dyr: Aglais io
b16dyr: Trio of Butterflies
b16dyr: Peacock and Tortoiseshell Butterflies
b16dyr: The European Peacock Butterfly
b16dyr: A Pleasant Pheasant
b16dyr: Dazed hawk
b16dyr: In the tallons
b16dyr: Peek a boo!