Lilah4: Pat at the phranakorn norlan, our first night in Thailand.
Lilah4: first kitty we met
Lilah4: Long Tail Boat!
Lilah4: The King of Thailand
Lilah4: underwater!
Lilah4: underwaters
Lilah4: underwater!
Lilah4: William.
Lilah4: (standing on a log)
Lilah4: i fell in love
Lilah4: pat and mr. gibbon
Lilah4: cobwebs
Lilah4: kitteh
Lilah4: old cameras
Lilah4: small lady with cane
Lilah4: Japanese friends we made
Lilah4: thai kids!
Lilah4: the best night we had in thailand
Lilah4: Kittie of Thailand
Lilah4: a small girl sat in front of me
Lilah4: a photo of a monk taking a photo
Lilah4: the window display of an old camera store
Lilah4: skipping in ayutthaya
Lilah4: Ayutthaya