Ally in Manchester: The University of Manchester
Ally in Manchester: my polaroid pinhole camera
Ally in Manchester: on the way home
Ally in Manchester: Heaven is a place on earth
Ally in Manchester: Manchester Wheel
Ally in Manchester: Let's get out of this city
Ally in Manchester: Manchester Town Hall
Ally in Manchester: The Triangle
Ally in Manchester: Albert Square
Ally in Manchester: Eastgate Street, Chester, UK
Ally in Manchester: Read for fun
Ally in Manchester: Bonfire night
Ally in Manchester: My fair lady
Ally in Manchester: Where are you going?
Ally in Manchester: Is there any cure for monday blue?
Ally in Manchester: When the night falls
Ally in Manchester: The waltz of my ivy
Ally in Manchester: A different corner
Ally in Manchester: Remember when we were young?
Ally in Manchester: Little Christmas tree
Ally in Manchester: Oops! I brought a stranger home.
Ally in Manchester: Warming up the red devils!
Ally in Manchester: Sit back and enjoy the music.
Ally in Manchester: Sunday afternoon
Ally in Manchester: Misjudgements