Scruffi: Turns out the WoW panel is all about merch. Here's an upcoming DK shirt.
Scruffi: Upcoming Arthas premium figure zomg
Scruffi: I wonder if they'd miss this if I drove it out...
Scruffi: SDCC, Friday. Pikachu got into mutagenic energy drinks, ate many before being subdued.
Scruffi: Fortunately Supergirl and friends were on hand to help.
Scruffi: First to crush a head with superpowers wins.
Scruffi: Stark anti-Pikachu reserves.
Scruffi: Even a recently female Loki can't keep from looking. The power of super cleavage.
Scruffi: More from SDCC.
Scruffi: Never bring a sword to a gun fight ...
Scruffi: She's a former fashion designer turned comic artist.
Scruffi: Make your own caption for this one.
Scruffi: End of the day. This pic says it all.
Scruffi: Fireworks in the distance while Keith drinks Guinness.
Scruffi: My new best friend.
Scruffi: Saturday at SDCC and even the super minions need break.
Scruffi: There's no place I can be, since I found Serenity...
Scruffi: Still wish you were here? :)
Scruffi: Ok, yeah. It's worth it.
Scruffi: Where's an alien when you need one?
Scruffi: All good things... Sunday at SDCC; winding down.