ches1: Waiting for a fuss
ches1: Lazing by the pool
ches1: Harry loves sunbathing.
ches1: Harry & Tilly
ches1: Saffron
ches1: The tiger in our garden
ches1: Harry the christmas cat
ches1: Time for a nap
ches1: Lexi washing Poppy
ches1: Harry and Mitsie
ches1: Dusty, Harry and Mitsie
ches1: Tilly & Harry
ches1: Trying to get to the itchy bit
ches1: Upsidedown cat
ches1: got it
ches1: Asleep
ches1: Bathtime
ches1: Mealtime
ches1: Guarding the front door
ches1: Harry solid gone
ches1: Harry Just back from the vets
ches1: Harry asleep again
ches1: Harry asleep again