Fyn Kynd: Common Loon with chick
steve_mierzykowski: CONI080515_063
mikeycerw: RNDUxscaup_8_FEB_2015_SM_M1
billsheehan: SNOW and full moon PT Barn PI 3 Feb 2015 Sheehan
mikeycerw: REDHxLESC_20_DEC_2014_GA_MD_5
Brad Carlson's Photos: Baird's Sandpiper
mikeycerw: MOWA_21_May_2014_PG_MD
Odonata457: Northern Black Racer Eating Northern Water Snake - 3
Mark R. Johnson: Dunlin flock-Wicomico Co., MD 2/18/14
MikeBurchett: Red-winged Blackbird leucistic
bonxie88: "Oregon" Dark-eyed Junco - offshore Virginia
Mark R. Johnson: King Eider-Avalon, NJ 12/26/11
Sam Galick: Dunlin
rjm284: Wood Duck x Hooded Merganser hybrid
davecz: Hairy Woodpecker Assateague 12MAY2013 9965
chlorophonia: Leucistic Turkey Vulture
cullerfuls: Greater White-fronted Goose
Odonata457: Northern Shrike Against A Gray Sky
miliff: LCSP in PG - profile